Prawal Panchamrat Ras
Prawal Panchamrat Ras

Key Ingredients:

Prawal Pishti, moti Bhasma, Sankh Bhasma, Mukta Sukti Bhasma and other prominent herbs and minerals. 


Prawal Panchamrat Ras

1. Available Size : 6 Tablets , 12 Tablets , 30 Tablets

    Basic Ayurveda Prawal Panchamrat Ras is known to be having a maximum beneficial effect on the liver, spleen, and various gastric organs. It is beneficial in various types of Kapha and Pitta diseases. It is beneficial in various types of fibrous growths in the body. This is also beneficial in indigestion. Prawal Panchamrita Ras benefits in diabetes Mellitus. It is known for its benefits in cough and urinary disorders.



    1. Various type of fever

    2. Helpful in asthma

    3. Prevent stone formation in body

    4. Immune booster

    5. Helpful in intestinal disorder

    6. Helpful in cardiac disorder

    7. Increase sperm count

    8. Helpful for anemic patient

    9. Benefit in stomach problem

Dosage: 1-2 tablet morning and evening with honey or as directed by physician.
Caution:  Consult with your physician prior to using any Supplemental /Ayurvedic product.

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