Halal is a term from Quran that means permitted or lawful. Therefore, in relation to food, Halal is used for food and other consumables that are permissible for consumption and used by Muslims, based on the Islamic law, the Shariah. Halal in terms of food means that food must be:
1. Animals that are allowed and been slaughtered according to Islamic Law, not killed by strangulation or killed by wild animals.
2. Does not stem from or consists any part or item from animals that are forbidden (pig, carrion, having claws, talons or fangs, etc.) to Muslims by Islamic Law.
3. Food, be it animal, vegetable, fruit or grain must be Tayyib (healthy) and does not contain any substance that is considered impure (alcohol) in Islamic Law.
4. Food that is prepared processed or manufactured using equipment or utensils that are free from impurities as defined by Islamic Law.
5. Food when prepared, processed, manufactured, packaged, stored or transported does not come in contact with or stored near any food that is forbidden and contain impurities as defined by Islamic Law. Listed below are the benefits of being Halal certified:
• As a confirmation for Muslim customers that the food served is Halal and is in accordance with Islamic Law.
• Assure customers that the food served is Halal and healthy and the premise's hygiene and sanitation procedures are in top-notch.
• Widen the range of customers by attracting Muslim customers and non-Muslim who are Halal consumers.
• Increase a restaurant's revenue and enhance its marketability especially to Halal consumers.
• If planning to export, the Halal certificate will help to assure Halal consumers in importing countries.
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