Sudha Gandhak, Loh bhasma
Abhrak bhasma
bang bhasma
Prawal bhasma
Tamra bhasma
Moti bhasma
Sankh Bhasma
Sudha Swarna Bhasma
Shukti Bhasma and other prominent herbs and minerals.
1. Available Size : 40 Tablets
Basic Ayurveda Visham Jwarantak Loh (Normal) is an Ayurvedic product in tablet or powder form. Helpful for colds, cough, and digestive problems. It is used in the treatment of all types of fever, intermittent and chronic fever, splenomegaly, jaundice, anaemia, oedema, inflammatory conditions, malabsorption syndrome, Indigestion, cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, difficulty in urination, and diarrhoea.
Dosage : 1-1 tablet morning and evening twice in a day with honey or according to problems.
Caution: Consult with your physician prior to using any Supplemental/ Ayurvedic product.
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