

  • Javitri
    • Javitri

    • Mace Javitri spice is strongly aromatic, resinous and warm in taste.

  • Saffron
    • Saffron

    • Saffron is an ancient, autumnal herb of India that is rich in vitamins and minerals known to nourish and enlighten body and senses.

  • Laung
    • Laung

    • Clove is a warm, spicy herb that has been used as an effective antibiotic, antiseptic, and antiviral agent for thousands of year.

  • Mulethi
    • Mulethi

    • Abdominal pain, bronchitis, colds, cough, debility (general), heart tonic, hyperacidity, inflammation, laryngitis, laxative, mucus membrane toner and soother, muscle spasms, sore throat, ulcers, painful urination. A decoction of the root is a good wash for the falling and graying of hair.

  • Supari
    • Supari

    • Its use has also been recommended in the prevention and treatment of obesity. Nutritional analysis of the nuts suggest it to be a richest source of organic chromium salts. The role of chromium in the metabolism of fat has been well established now through various studies. Supari nuts contain a large number of amino acids.

  • Tejpat
    • Tejpat

    • Indian Cassia also known as Tejpat (Cinnamomum Tamala) is a small to moderately sized ever green tree. The leaves of this tree is the spice having clove like taste and a faintly pepper like odour. 

  • Turmeric
    • Turmeric

    • Turmeric is a great carminative, able to calm an upset digestive system by getting rid of gas and distention. Carminatives also tend to increase absorption and nurture the intestinal flora.Taking Turmeric will work fine to balance an upset digestion. Just take a small spoonful of Turmeric and stir it in a cup of yogurt right after lunch.

  • Bhringraj
    • Bhringraj

    • Bhringraj is an ancient herb rich in proteins, used for centuries to prevent hair loss and premature graying. Inhibits dandruff and helps keep hair shining with health.

  • Cashew
    • Cashew

    • Cashews are tropical nuts that come from an evergreen tree. Rich in nutrients, anti-oxidants and minerals, cashews have been used throughout the ages for their multi-medicinal and purgative properties to purify, nurture and protect the skin.

  • Margosa
    • Margosa

    • Maragosa  is a large evergreen tree that thrives throughout India and possesses great medicinal properties . Known to control dandruff and invigorate healthy growth.

  • Flame of the forest
    Flame of the forest
    • Flame of the forest

    • Flame of the forest is a brilliant, aromatic tree that produces medicinal scarlet flower. It is nature’s “dandruff controller” and shine specialist, with skin-astringent and aphrodisiacal effects that clarify and refresh the whole body.  

  • Peppermint
    • Peppermint

    • Peppermint has been called “the world’s oldest medicine” to soothe and stimulate the mind and body. Its antibacterial, cooling, anti-inflammatory powers work wonders to relieve stress and pain when massaged into sore spots.

  • Carrot
    • Carrot

    • Carrot is rich in carotene, a chemical that converts to vitamin A, credited with many healing and healthy properties. Its antiseptic quality keeps skin purified and protected.

  • Redwood
    • Redwood

    • Redwood has been the colossus of the forest since the Jurassic era, an ancient and mysterious tree with great cooling and regenerating powers. It provides a significant natural defense against UV radiation.

  • Basil
    • Basil


      Basil originated in India and, for centuries, has been the beloved herb known for its curative, culinary and aromatic powers. Its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial nature offers soothing and uplifting effects to heal and refresh both the skin and senses. 

  • Chlorophyll
    • Chlorophyll

    • Chlorophyll is the “green” in all plants, meant to absorb and harness the energy of the sun involved in photosynthesis. It is highly valued for its antiseptic and soothing properties.

  • Coconut
    • Coconut

    • Coconuts are among nature’s brightest and most emollient moisturizers, centuries old and wise with penetrating fatty acids that freshen and lighten the skin. 

  • Vitamins
    • Vitamins

    • Vitamins are the keys to a healthy life, overflowing with nutrients and antioxidants with skin enlightening and brightening powers. 

  • Pineapple
    • Pineapple

    • Pineapple is the queen of tropic fruits, overflowing with vitamins, nutrients and an enzymes called brome lain-the catalyst for the majority of therapeutic properties inherent in this succulent fruit.  

  • Henna ( Mhendi)
    Henna ( Mhendi)
    • Henna ( Mhendi)


      Henna is a small tropic tree with leaves of color that have tinted and conditioned hair naturally for thousands of years.

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